Featured & Sale Items

Authentic Major League Apparel

– Vintage Majestic Baseball pants clothing jerseys shoes gloves helmets pro leather belts trim piping discounted prices and special sale items.
For baseball jerseys and sporting goods Southside Sports has it all at the lowest price online.

Southside Sports Brand Pro PantsSouthside Sports Vintage Classics2018 New York Yankees2018 Diamond Series

Dear Customers
Due on March 14th 2025 Team Issued /Game Used Majestic Authentic Collection Pants
Same ones worn in MLB before switching to Nike
(By the way same exact pant Nike just put the swoosh on back All sizes in great condition)
White and Gray all sizes and with royal, red, black, and navy on sides or solids!

Please send email requests to sluggerspt@comcast.net with your sizes request we can hold for you and please spread the word over 700 pair coming in!

Thank you all for the years of loyalty.

Eric Jurgielewicz-President
SouthsideSports Inc

Vintage Baseball Jerseys

Majestic Pro Pants

Baseball Trim/Piping

Pro Leather Belts